Monday, February 17, 2014

Why Non-Surgical Treatments are Taking Over Surgical Cosmetic Procedures

Botox orlando
When we opened our medical spa 10 years ago-Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center in Orlando non-surgical cosmetic procedures were really just becoming available to the general public and plastic surgery procedures were still #1 for cosmetic treatments.  However, as cosmetic laser treatments and cosmetic injectables have advanced in technology, price, efficiency and ease they are really coming to the fore-front as the industry leaders in cosmetic procedures and actual surgery is taking a back seat
According to The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery out of the $11 Billion dollars spent on cosmetic procedures in 2012 nearly 50% of that was on non-surgical procedures; $2 billion on injectables like Botox, Juvederm and dermal fillers alone, and another $1.8 billion on skin rejuvenation procedures such as laser skin resurfacing, IPL treatments and more plus $483 billion in other non-surgical procedures like laser hair removal and laser tattoo removal.
So Why are non-surgical cosmetic treatments starting to take over surgical cosmetic procedures? First of all, price.  When the economy took a hit they first thing to go was luxuries-$10,000 in plastic surgery procedures like implants and tummy tucks took a hit while affordable procedures like $200-$300 in Botox, $300 IPLs, and $500-$600 dermal fillers actually increased in profits because they are a way to improve the way you look without breaking the bank.
Secondly, no down-time has become increasingly important to people.  More women work than ever and they can't afford to be out of work for 3 weeks or they are Mother's who can't have that downtime either.  Laser procedures and injectables typically have no downtime or little downtime of maybe 2-3 days where as surgery can be weeks.
The 3rd reason is access.  It is much easier to find a medical spa or doctor near you that does Botox, chemical peels and laser treatments than a good affordable plastic surgeon.  Also everyone now has a friend that has had these minimal procedures done.
The bottom line is that non-surgical cosmetic treatments can pack a big punch with little impact to your wallet.
For more information on why Non-Surgical treatments are taking over surgical cosmetic procedures go to

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Most Common Aesthetic Procedures in Today’s Medical Spas

While Botox is a common everyday term, there are many other procedures that have become equally common especially with the increase in opening of Medical Spas. Here are the most common aesthetic procedures now found in Dermatology offices, Plastic Surgeons, and Medical Spa’s. One of the most common and most consistent aesthetic procedures today is the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) photo-facial. This is a great and easy treatment that can not only be performed on the face, but the chest, arms, back and legs as well. The IPL is used to remove pigmentation issues caused by sun damage, as well as broken capillaries, redness, and Rosacea. Juvederm Ultra Plus and Juvederm Voluma are extremely common as well. Cosmetic dermal fillers have grown in popularity because they work and they are the only treatment that can replace volume. Juvederm and fillers are mainly hualuronic acid based and when injected they can fill in hollow cheeks, plump up thin lips, and give a face-lift effect as well. Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing is becoming more popular especially for acne scars and laser stretchmark removal. Fractional lasers are non-ablative so there is little downtime and it typically only takes 4-5 treatments to remove decade old acne scars by stimulating collagen and elastyn. For more information on common aesthetic procedures in today’s medical spas go to

Monday, February 3, 2014

Why Laser Tattoo Removal Can be a Valentine’s Day Gift

Why Laser Tattoo Removal Can be a Valentine’s Day Gift So, you have been wondering all year what can you get your girlfriend or boyfriend that they don’t already have for Valentine’s Day? Well, if you have the name of your ex-lover tattooed somewhere permanently on your body, look no further! Laser tattoo removal can be an awesome Valentine’s Day gift. Let’s face it, no one wants to think of the person they love’s ex let alone stare at that ex’s name in the budoir. At our medical spa-Winter Park Laser in Orlando one of the most requested tattoos to have removed is an ex boyfriend, girlfriend, husband etc. This is why we think having laser tattoo removal to remove an ex’s name can be a terrific gift for Valentines Day. Here are the details on how laser tattoo removal works. While your tattoo won’t be removed in time for Valentine’s Day if you start now it will definitely start to fade. It is important to have a Q-Switch Yag laser used for tattoo removal. Tattoo ink is removed by using specific wavelengths of light which pass into the skin, and is absorbed by the ink. A given wavelength targets only a single color (or a group of nearby colors). For example, the red wavelength removes the green ink and the green wavelength removes the red ink. The rapid absorption of the light energy (shock wave) causes the tattoo ink to break into tiny particles which can then be removed by the body’s natural filtering systems often referred to as the body’s lymphatic drainage system. For more information on laser tattoo removal go to