Thursday, February 1, 2007

I have an event coming up, is there any way I can look slimmer fast?

Yes, the "Swedish Miracle Wrap" is a great way to detox your body while losing 5-15 inches in just 1 1/2 hours! It's also extremely relaxing and great for tightening and retexturizing your skin. The Swedish miracle Body Wrap System utilizes ingredients such as seaweed and ginseng, rosemary, aloe, grapeseed oil, sweet almond oil, and essential oils, to smooth and tighten the skin while exfoliating, detoxifying and moisturizeng it as well. These ingredients are combined with the Egyptian art of pressure wrapping to lighten, contour and deeply cleanse the body. The wrap not only rids the body of toxins but also gives the benefit of inches lost throughout the entire body. Scuplting, and countouring the body to perfection-perfect for any upcoming event!

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