Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Levulan PDT for Acne Vulgaris in Orlando FL

Levulan® Photodynamic Therapy for Severe or Cystic Acne Vulgaris: The Levulan ALA topical solution is applied to the affected areas. It is left on the skin for up to an hour, and then an intense pulsed light treatment is applied for up to. The treatment is relatively painless, although sensations like tingling, stinging and burning can be felt on the areas being treated. Afterwards there is generally redness, some peeling, and sometimes swelling.

Levulan ALA acne treatment works by selectively targeting the sebaceous glands that it is absorbed into. It is converted into a photosensitizer when it has been absorbed, and the IPL then activates it. This leads to shrinking of the sebaceous glands, and destruction of p-bacteria which improves acne.

Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center has been treating acne for nearly 5 years in Orlando FL! Winter Park Laser is located at 1215 W. Fairbanks Ave. Orlando FL 32804. For more information go to

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