Friday, September 3, 2010

Velashape Voted #1 for Cellulite Reduction

2009 Reader's Choice - Top 5 Cellulite Reduction Procedures
Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:31 PM

Cellulite doesn't have to be an insurmountable challenge anymore. There are several treatments available to minimize the appearance of cellulite; here are our readers' top 5.

Cellulite is somewhere near the very top of every woman's most hated list. The skin dimpling affects women at all sizes, even the very small. It is caused by inconsistencies in the texture of the fat under the skin and affects women more often than men. There are creams available that claim to help smooth the skin, but most physicians agree that they aren't very helpful and a more aggressive treatment is needed to truly smooth out those cottage cheese thighs.

1 - VelaShape: VelaShape from Syneron uses a combination of Bi-Polar Radio Frequency and Infrared Light - plus tissue mobilization combined with suction to reduce the appearance of cellulite and re-contour the body. Multiple treatments are needed to achieve optimum results but there is no downtime and treatment generally takes about 30 minutes. It is an FDA approved device and has been shown to also provide circumferential reduction.

Winter Park Laser has been offering Velashape for Body Sculpting for over 3 years, and is the ONLY Medical Spa in Orlando to offer the Velashape II for cellulite reduction and body sculpting!
Go to for more information.

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