Monday, April 22, 2013

How to Know if you Are a Good Candidate for Ablative Laser Skin Resurfacing

Ablative Laser Skin Resurfacing & cosmetic laser treatments in general have changed dramatically since their beginning over a decade ago. There have been many advances and there are now non-ablative, ablative, erbium, fraxel, & fractional ablative laser kin resurfacing available. Our medical spa-Winter Park Laser actually offers the newest method-the combination ablative laser skin resurfacing. So how do you know if you are a candidate for ablative laser skin resurfacing and when you are ready for a more aggressive laser such as this. Here are some tips: #1 Ablative Laser Resurfacing is to resurface the skin so the main concerns with your skin you should have to treat would be large pores, ruddy skin texture, uneven skin tone, wrinkles, and loose skin. The benefits will be new tighter skin texture, tighter pores, less wrinkles and less sun damage #2 Skin type is important: We only treat a Fitzpatrick skin type 1, 2, 3, and maybe 4 which basically means white skin and light olive skin. This treatment is not safe for dark african skin. If you are a darker olive you really should pre-treat your skin with pigment suppressing products such as hydroquinone first and have a test spot. #3 Be Prepared & comfortable for Down-Time: The combo ablative has the least amount of down-time compared to Erbium & CO2 ablative lasers but even the combo ablative has pin point bleeding, scabbing and redness for at least 4-7 days. You need to make sure that you don't have a hot date or important meeting coming up and that you discuss your options with your medical spa. #4 Have Reasonable Expectations: Lasers are not surgery. You will get skin tightening and a great reduction in wrinkles and look younger by 5-10 years on average however this is not for someone who has a lot of loose hanging skin-that would be a facelift. For more information on how to know if you are a good candidate for ablative laser skin resurfacing or laser skin resurfacing in Orlando go to

Monday, April 15, 2013

3 Top Cosmetic Treatments to Get Your Body Ready for Summer

Obviously every one wants to look good for summer especially if you live up north where you bundle up inside for 9 months and are then expected to pop out bikini ready come June. Here are some quick cosmetic treatments that don't require downtime that can get your body ready for summer! These are the cosmetic treatments we recommend at our Medical Spa-Winter Park Laser in Orlando Fl. #1 Laser Hair Removal: Who wants to worry about stubble or ingrowns or irriation around your bikini line or underarms? Laser Hair Removal will eliminate stubble & ingrowns within a few treatments and will give you permanent relief after 6-7 treatments. How it works: Laser hair removal works by directing concentrated pulses of light to a group of hair follicles, using enough power to disable or destroy the root responsible for hair growth without harming the surrounding skin. Treatments are once every 4-7 weeks as hair growth cycles differ on various body parts and requires no down-time. After just one treatment you will see an immediate improvement. #2 Velashape II Cellulite Reduction & Body Sculpting Treatments: This is a great non-invasive alternative to lipo suction that will give you fast results! Powered by the revolutionary elos™ Technology utilizing bi-polar radio frequency, it treats the deeper tissue, offering a measurable reduction in fat layers, circumference and the upper layers of the skin, resulting in cellulite reduction, the smoothing of the skin’s tone and texture, inches lost, and noticeable reshaping of the treated area in 5-6 treatments. An infrared thermometer is used to ensure your body heats up to 104 degrees-the temperature it takes to melt fat. Many clients describe the treatments as feeling like a warm deep tissue massage. #3 Detox-We love & use the 21 Day Standard Process Detox Kits which our clients love to help lose cellulite & lose up to 21 pounds in 21 days. Our purification program emphasizes supplements and whole foods, particularly fruits and vegetables, while limiting high-calorie, refined foods and saturated fats. Nourishing yourself with nutrient-rich foods will provide the complex combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are needed to protect the body and promote optimal health. For more information on top cosmetic treatments for summer go to or call (407) 601-1185

Monday, April 8, 2013

Refresh Your Skin with the New Oxygen 2 Facial Treatment

After running our Medical Spa-Winter Park Laser in Orlando for 8 years I often get the question-What can I do before my event in a few days to look fresher? Now I have a great new answer! The New Image Oxygen 2 Facial Treatment is perfect to refresh the skin right before an event, or for someone who is sensitive or doesn't want to peel. This is a professional physician grade treatment that should only be administered by a licensed aesthetician. This luxurious treatment infuses oxygen, plant-derived stem cells, peptides and a high concentration of enzymatic botanicals into the skin leaving it luminous, refreshed and rejuvenated. This revolutionary treatment is great to exfoliate, illuminate and oxygenate. Active ingredients like Papaya and pineapple enzymes exfoliate the surface of the skin. A cutting-edge effervescent masque oxygenates at the cellular level-you can watch as the little bubbles bring any toxins out of your skin and to the surface. Pure plant stem cell enhancer rejuvenates & prevents signs of aging. Tinted moisturizer illuminates & provides utmost environmental protection. The treatment comes with trial sizes of the moisturizer & more that you need. This treatment is very affordable and great for anyone with Rosacea, sensitive skin or those that just want to refresh their skin without stronger chemical peels or any down time.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Top Ways to Eliminate Rosacea without Prescriptions

April is National Rosacea Month which is why we feel it's appropriate to discuss the top non-prescription ways to treat and control the symptoms of Rosacea. This was created to bring awareness the the symptoms of Rosacea as it effects over 16 million American men and women. What is Rosacea? Rosacea symptoms include persistent redness, easily flushing, bumps or pustules on the cheeks, chin & forehead and broken capillaries on the cheeks and chin. Rosacea can affect all skin types but individuals with fair skin who tend to flush or blush easily are believed to be at greatest risk. Often times Rosacea is treated with prescriptions such as metrogel. Here are our top ways to eliminate Rosacea without Prescriptions: Intense Pulsed Light Photofacial: IPL can safely and effectively reduce dilated blood vessels, persistent redness or flushing, and acne-like breakouts. Green Light used on handpieces such as the Palomar Max G handpiece is attracted to the redness and blood in the broken capillaries. Once the light is absorbed & transferred into heat, the redness fades & the broken capillaries constrict and fade over 2-3 weeks. While patients see an improvement after one treatment, up to 5 treatments can be needed for optimal results. A recent clinical study showed 83% of patients experienced reduced redness, 75% had less flushing and improved skin texture, and 64% reported fewer acne-like breakouts after five treatment sessions. For more information on top ways to eliminate Rosacea without prescriptions go to or call (407) 601-1185. Winter Park Laser is located at 1155 N. Kentucky Ave. Winter Park FL 32789.