Thursday, August 21, 2014

Frequently Asked Questions on Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser Tattoo Removal has become one of the most popular treatments in the past few years.  Medical spas all over the country are now offer laser tattoo removal and many people are seeking it's benefits.  One of the increases for laser tattoo removal is due to the strict requirements that the military has placed on those who want to enlist not being able to have a tattoo in an area that shows in their uniform.  Following this same agenda many local police departments, fire departments, and government agencies have also created policies that don't allow employees to be hired if they have tattoos that show in uniforms.  These reasons combined with basic regret and people changing as they get older have made the number of laser tattoo removal treatments sky rocket.
Even though laser tattoo removal is so popular there are still many things about it that people don't know or understand.  After running a medical spa for 9 years and performing laser tattoo removal at Winter park Laser in Orlando here are frequently asked questions on laser tattoo removal answered.
Frequently asked questions on laser tattoo removal:
#1 Will my tattoo go away completely or just fade?
Answer: As long as it is a professional laser majority of tattoos can be removed completely especially black tattoos.
#2 What colors of tattoos are the easiest to remove?
Answer: Black tattoos are the easiest color to remove because black ink can absorb all wavelengths of light.  Yellow and green inks can be more difficult to remove because they contain less pigment.
#3 Who should perform laser tattoo removal?
Every state has different regulations but in Florida it has to be a licensed physician, physician assistant, or Registered Nurse Practitioner.  It is best to also look for someone who has has a lot of experience performing laser tattoo removal.
For more information on frequently asked questions on laser tattoo removal go to

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