Even in our sunny state of Florida there is still "bikini season" which usually begins in March for us. Everyone wants to look their best in a bikini as you can't hide any flaws when you're nearly naked! Fortunately there are some non-surgical aesthetic treatments that men and women can utilize to look their very best in a swimsuit. All of these along with a healthy diet & exercise will have you looking like a "beach babe" in no time. Here are some of our favorite body treatments we use at our Orlando medical spa Winter Park Laser.
Top 3 Non-Surgical Treatments to be bikini body ready
#1 Laser Hair Removal: Who wants to worry about stubble, redness, or ingrown hairsaround your bikini line or underarms?
Laser Hair Removal will eliminate stubble & ingrowns and will give you permanent relief after 6 treatments. How it works: Laser hair removal works by directing concentrated beams of filtered light to a group of hair follicles, using enough power to disable or destroy the root responsible for hair growth without harming the surrounding skin. Treatments are once every 4-7 weeks as hair growth cycles differ on various body parts and requires no down-time. After just one treatment you will see an immediate improvement as the hair grows in thinner.
#2 Velashape II Cellulite Reduction: Cellulite is caused by hereditary issues, stress, water retention, and other factors that make it difficult to treat with exercise and diet alone.
Powered by the revolutionary elos™ Technology utilizing bi-polar radio frequency, it treats the deeper tissue, offering a measurable reduction in fat layers, circumference and the upper layers of the skin, resulting in cellulite reduction, the smoothing of the skin’s tone and texture, inches lost, and noticeable reshaping of the treated area in 5-6 treatments. An infrared thermometer is used to ensure your body heats up to 104 degrees-the temperature it takes to melt fat. Many clients describe the treatments as feeling like a warm deep tissue massage. You will be dimple free in 5 weeks running down the beach!
#3 TruSculpt Fat Reduction & Body Sculpting: Sometimes areas like the abdomen and love handles are hard to reduce the stubborn fat. TruSculpt helps make it easier so you can say goodbye one piece, hello 2 piece.
TruSculpt™ is the first RF Non-invasive procedure to give permanent surgical type results, previously only available through cosmetic surgery. Using radio frequencies, the practitioner deep-heats tissue over large areas of the body. This treatment is similar to coolsculpting by Zeltiq but offers more visible results with less pain.
In only 2-3 treatments, patients can quickly see permanent results in their appearance, such as smaller mass, tighter skin and less dimpling. TruSculpt™ can be used on any area where fat deposits can accumulate, such as around the buttocks, thighs, love handles, back, or abdomen.
For more information on top cosmetic treatments for summer go to www.winterparklaser.com or call (407) 601-1185
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