Friday, September 5, 2014

Myths & Facts about BOTOX® Cosmetic

Even though BOTOX® Cosmetic has been FDA approved since 2002 to treat wrinkles and is the #1 most popular and utilized cosmetic treatment in the world there are still many myths and misconceptions out there about BOTOX® Cosmetic.  After performing BOTOX® Cosmetic consultations at our Orlando Medical Spa "Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center" I have heard every misconception, myth, and falsehood out there.  I always take the time with clients to explain the realities of BOTOX® Cosmetic and why it is the #1 cosmetic treatment used by men and women.  In this blog I will debunk the top myths about BOTOX® Cosmetic that I have heard throughout 10 years.
Here are the top Myths & Facts about BOTOX® Cosmetic:

#1 Myth: BOTOX® will freeze my forehead and I won't be able to make any expressions.
Fact: BOTOX® Cosmetic does not have to give you a "frozen" look at all.  It is all about explaining your desires to the injector and that you want a natural look.  You should still be able to express plenty of emotions and facial expressions with BOTOX® Cosmetic injected into any area of your face.
#2 Myth: BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal fillers such as Juvederm are the same thing.
Fact: BOTOX® Cosmetic is used to relax muscles and wrinkles while dermal fillers are used to replace volume in hollow areas of the face such as cheeks, mid-face, and lips.  One does not replace the other and they are not made of the same ingredients.
#3 Myth: BOTOX® Cosmetic is painful.
Fact: BOTOX® Cosmetic is typically injected with insulin needles which are tiny.  The injections are extremely quick and minimal with hardly any discomfort at all.
#4 Myth: BOTOX® Cosmetic is poison.
Fact: Mainly due to the fact that large amounts of the Clostridium botulinum are known to cause botulism, one of the biggest misconceptions about Botox is that it’s a poison. However,BOTOX® Cosmetic is a purified protein derivative of a natural product that happens to block the communication channel between a nerve and a muscle. So it doesn’t actually paralyze the muscle; it simply prevents the nerve from telling the muscle to move.
For more information on myths and facts about BOTOX® Cosmetic go to

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