Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center is now offering
Velashape III Treatments for cellulite reduction-the only FDA approved
non-surgical treatment for circumferential reduction in the Orlando and
Central Florida area.
The expert staff of Winter Park Laser with over eleven years of body
sculpting experience in Orlando, Florida has obtained the new technology
created by Syneron-Candela; Velashape III as seen on Dr. Phil, Rachel Ray, Fox & Friends, Real Housewives Franchise, and Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Velashape III is the first FDA approved non-surgical procedure for body re-shaping and cellulite reduction on the market.
VelaShape III technology combines infrared light, bi-polar radio
frequency energy and vacuum, which cause deep heating of the fat cells,
their surrounding connective tissue and the underlying dermal collagen
fibers. This type of efficient heating and vacuum stimulates the growth
of new and improved collagen and elastin. The results are improved skin
tightening, reduced body volume, inches lost, and an overall improvement
in skin structure and texture.
The Velashape III is much more powerful than its predecessor, the
VelaShape II due to it’s increased Radio-Frequency Power. The result is
that you reach your goal with less treatment sessions which are also
shorter in duration. The VelaShape II typically requires 8-10 treatments
to achieve cellulite reduction while the Velashape III provides even
better results in as little as 3 sessions. The Velashape III also has a
hand-piece specifically for treating neck fat while Velashape II does
For more information on treatments, or to schedule a complimentary consultation and demonstration, call 407 601 1185 or go to
Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center is located at 1155 N Kentucky
Avenue Winter Park, FL. Aneta Filardo CME, MBA is owner of Winter Park
Laser & Anti-Aging Center medically supervised by Plastic Surgeon
James F Farrell M.D.
Expert Laser Hair Removal & Anti-Aging Knowledge
Winter Park Laser and Anti-Aging Center is a Medical Day Spa that has served the Winter Park FL Community for nearly three years. It is run by Aneta K. Filardo, RE, CCE, CME and medically supervised by Jan V. Karlin M.D.-Plastic Surgeon. Aneta is board certified in Electrolysis, and Laser Hair Removal, specializing in Cellulite Reduction. She leads oa team of licensed professionals. Dr. Horacio Gonzalez is a board certified and supervises Winter Park Laser's services.
Friday, September 4, 2015
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Why The Younger Millenials are Turning to Botox
When Botox Cosmetic first gained FDA approval in the early 1990's it was marketed to an older demographic of mainly women in their fifties and sixties. While that demographic is still heavily getting their Botox the atmosphere is changing, as more men and more younger women are turning to Botox at a much younger age. In our Orlando Medical Spa Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center the age demographic of our clients has progressively gotten younger and of course more men are coming in that never before.
So why are the Younger Millenials turning to Botox more than ever before now?
There are many different benefits to Botox than just erasing wrinkles. In the industry, we now know the preventative benefit of Botox for the younger demographic which is now a large sector of frequent Botox users.
Women and men as young as 25-30 years old are now having Botox Cosmetic Injections regularly (every 3-4 motnhs). However, they are not just doing it to remove wrinkles, they are also using Botox to prevent more wrinkles. Botox is the only cosmetic treatment that can relax your muscles that create elaborate expressions such as squinting. By doing this one can no longer flex the facial muscles & make wrinkles appear or make them worse.
Those who start Botox at a younger age are actually pretty smart & saving themselves money in the long run, as they won't need as much Botox when their older. Often in the medical spa industry I find that older clients who have never tried Botox or aesthetic treatments need a large amount of work and sometimes don't understand what it takes to ease the wrinkles or the expense. Those who have always taken care of themselves in a preventive measure at a younger age tend to need less Botox and treatments in general.
For more information on Botox or other cosmetic procedures go to
Thursday, August 13, 2015
How Botox Can Cure Excess Sweating
Throughout the past decade Botox® has achieved a worthy renwoned reputation for treating and reducing wrinkles. However, Botox® has a multitude of other uses one of those is being utilized to treat excess sweating in the underarms and hands. While some people might not think sweating is a big deal, for those who suffer from hyper-hidrosis (excess sweating) it can be a very big deal filled with armpit stains on clothing, and more. At our Orlando medical spa Winter park Laser we have performed Botox® injections for excess sweating for years for many happy clients.
The best candidates for Botox® injections to fight sweating are those that have tried anti-perspirants, and deodorants sometimes even prescription that haven't slowed down the sweating. The way that it works is when the Botox® solution is injected evenly into various points in the underarm area. The injector will determine the number of injection points based on each patient's severity of seating and condition and the injections are spread out evenly.
The injector will inject just beneath the surface of the skin directly into the sweat glands. The Botox works by temporarily blocking the components of your sympathetic nervous system that trigger excessive armpit sweat. The treatment is injected with insulin needles and virtually painless. There is not downtime and regular activity can usually begin within 24 hours. The treatment in underarms will typically work for 6-9 months before needed to be repeated.
For more information on how Botox can cause sweating go to
Thursday, July 30, 2015
The benefit of exfoliation
In our Orlando Medical Spa-Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center, I must use the word "exfoliation" fifty times a day to clients because it is my favorite word & activity!! Exfoliation can change everything in a woman or man's skin including texture, pore size, acne, pigmentation, and dullness. Unfortunately, many people never exfoliate their skin, or do not do it correctly, which is sad because they are many the boat on it's effectiveness. While, laser skin resurfacing and aesthetic injectables are so amazing in my opinion exfoliation is still necessary to enhance these procedures and improve skin texture.
Exfoliation is essential because at any age dead skin cells start to pile up on the skin which cause dull uneven skin tone & texture even preventing many skincare products penetrating properly. Skin exfoliation should not only be done on the face but the body as well and at least on a weekly basis. Exfoliation is the removal of the oldest dead skin cells that cling to the skin's outermost surface, or epidermis.
Exfoliation is easy with new medical grade skincare products that contain glycolics, exfoliating beads, or with medical grade chemical peels and dermaplaning.
Here are the Top Methods of Exfoliation:
Chemical Peel Exfoliation uses various enzymes, alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) or betahydroxy acids (BHAS) loosen the glue-like substance that holds the cells together, allowing them to slough away. Facial chemical peels are a form of chemical exfoliation. Chemical peels can be mild or stronger levels of exfoliation.
Dermaplaning is another new and amazing exfoliating treatment that provides an alternative to microdermabrasion and is a good choice for anyone with extremely sensitive skin. The dermaplaning treatment is performed by an experienced aesthetician who uses a modified blade to gently exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin cells. A noticeable improvement is immediate with smoother texture and fresh skin appearance. Hair returns softly and will not become coarser because of the treatment. Even products penetrate the skin better following this treatment and a chemical peel can even be performed directly after for deeper penetration.
Medical Grade Exfoliation Skincare products are those you purchase in a physician's office that you use at home once a week. Typically they have various glycolic, or other AHA/BHA's in them to slough off dead skin. Retinol is always a must product for constant exfoliation.
For more information on the benefits of exfoliation go to
Thursday, July 16, 2015
What is Melasma & How to Treat It
Since our medical spa Winter Park Laser is located in Florida we see a lot of Melasma due to the to the amount of sun exposure and the high amount of hispanic population in Florida. Melasma can be very difficult to treat and the results rely heavily on patient compliance and the type of maintenance done by the patient. Here are some of the top ways to treat and maintain melasma.
#1 The Vi PeelL this is a strong chemical peel safe for all skin types to treat melasma. It is a proprietary blend of TCA, Retinoic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, Vitamin C and a mineral blend.
#2 At Home Skincare: It is crucial to use Skin Lightening Treatment products such as Hydroquinone bleaching creams, or Skinmedica lytera which will help to suppress the underlying pigmentation and prevent more patches of melasma from surfacing.
#3 Limited Sun Exposure: Sun can make Melasma worst so the more one stays away from sun by wearing a full broad spectrum minimum spf 30 everyday and reapplying, and wearing large sunglasses and large hats to protect your skin.
For more information on treating Melasma in Orlando go to
Thursday, June 18, 2015
In Honors of Father's Day-the Best Aesthetic Treatments for Dad
So it's Father's Day this weekend, and in honor of that I would like to go over the best aesthetic treatments for Men & for Dad. Fifty years ago, men would never be the ones to be in the market for aesthetic treatments, but in today's generation men account for more than a quarter of all surgical and non-surgical procedures. These are the top aesthetic treatments that don't require surgery for men and dad's in 2015.
The Best Aesthetic Treatments for Dad (men)
#1 Brotox
"Brotox" is a new slang word for Botox for Men. While Botox has been FDA approved for 14 years, men have become increasingly popular. BOTOX® Cosmetic is a FDA-approved treatment to temporarily improve the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines between the brows and crow’s feet as well as used to treat wrinkles on the forehead & to provide a temporary brow lift for men and women. Men love it because it is quick (20 minutes) always deliveers great results, has no down-time and shows a nice improvement without looking "done" like surgery might do to a man.
#2 Laser Hair Removal
More and more Dads and men come to our Orlando medical spa-Winter Park Laser for laser hair removal. Men get tired of shaving everyday and still having a "5 o'clock shadow" by the end of the day. Many men also do laser hair removal to deal with in-grown hairs on the beard, neck or more. Laser hair removal is a fairly painless procedure with no downtime that requires 6 sessions on average.
#3 Dermal Fillers such as Juvederm
Many men start to have sagging jowles as they age especially if they have lost weight. While men want to look younger, not many of them are up for surgery so they turn to non-surgical options. Dermal fillers such as Juvederm Voluma can give a "liquid Face-lift" effect by filling in hollow cheeks and deep lines around the nose and mouth. JUVÉDERM® XC is the first and only non-surgical hyaluronic acid (HA) filler FDA-approved to instantly smooth moderate to severe wrinkles around your nose and mouth for up to one year with optimal treatment and Juvederm Voluma® is approved to replace mid-face volume for results up to two years.
For more information on the best aesthetic treatments for Dads & men go to htttp://
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Liquid Face-Lift is the Alternative to Surgical Face-lifts
In the past decade or more ago the only option for sagging skin on the face was for a surgical face-lift. A surgical face-lift that required time off work, incisions, going under with anesthesia, spending $7,00-$10,000 and weeks of down-time to recover. However, in this decade there are many other options for sagging skin and anti-aging than simply turning to surgery. Many patients are looking for options that require less down-time and give natural results that don't cost as much as a car.
There are many options in the world of medical aesthetics for non-surgical cosmetic treatments such as ablative skin resurfacing, ultherapy, chemical peels, and mincroneedling. One of the most popular non-surgical treatments is the "liquid face-lift" which utilizes various types of dermal fillers and injectables such as Botox cosmetic , Juvederm Ultra, Sculptra, and Juvederm Voluma to lift, and tighten the face in a treatment that takes an hour with minimal recovery time a less expensive cost of around $1,500-$2,000 which is way less than a surgical face-lift.
A "liquid face-lift" using cosmetic dermal fillers especially Juvederm Voluma that gives a great lifting effect when injected in the mid-face cheek area and can be performed on several areas of the face or focus on "trouble spots" such as the deep naso-labial folds (laugh lines) around the nose and mouth and hollow cheek area. This treatment can fill in hollow cheeks again which pulls up sagging jowles, mask bags under eyes, lift brows, lift jowls and reshape and restore plump lips, rounded faces and plump cheeks. Once corrected this procedure can make women and men look 10-15 years younger instantly.
Liquid Face-lifts are performed by nurse practitioners, Physican Assistants, and physicians. Winter Park Laser is an Orlando medical spa that has has experts performing liquid face-lifts on a regular basis. For more information go to
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