Friday, August 29, 2014

Non-Surgical Body Sculpting Options

While plastic surgery and surgical options used to be the only method of body sculpting used, lasers and new technologies are giving non-surgical, no downtime time options to men and women.  In the 1980's & 90's lipo-suction and tummy tucks reigned the supreme way to lose fat, inches, and tighten skin, but the 2000's have ushered in non-surgical procedures in a big way. 
At our Orlando medical spa Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center we have seen a surge in non-surgical body sculpting treatments in the last 5 years.
So what non-surgical body sculpting options are available?
One of the first treatments to the market was Syneron's Velashape, they now have Velashape I, II, and III to treat cellulite and tighten skin. available.  Velashape technology utilizes bi-polar radio frequency, it treats the deeper tissue, offering a measurable reduction in fat layers, circumference and the upper layers of the skin, resulting in cellulite reduction, the smoothing of the skin’s tone and texture, inches lost, and noticeable reshaping of the treated area in 5-6 treatments. Usually, an infrared thermometer is used to ensure your body heats up to 104 degrees-the temperature it takes to melt fat. Most people describe the treatments as feeling like a warm deep tissue massage. The Velashape II is 20% more powerful than its predecessor Velashape I giving you shorter treatments, with better, longer lasting results in fewer treatments. This treatment has no discomfort, is non-invasive and requires no down-time.
There are now three non-surgical procedures on the market that offer permanent fat reduction and are a great non-surgical alternative to lipo-suction.  They are Zeltiq® (cool-sculpting), Liposonix®, and TruSculpt™.
TruSculpt™ is the first RF Non-invasive procedure to give permanent surgical type results, previously only available through cosmetic surgery. Using radio frequencies, the practitioner deep-heats tissue over large areas of the body. The raised heat temperature stimulates cells, targeting areas of fat, and creates apoptosis or slow fat cell death. The fat eliminating process begins with the truSculpt treatment, but once activated it continues on its own for In only 2 treatments on average, patients can quickly see permanent results in their appearance, such as smaller mass, tighter skin and less dimpling. TruSculpt™ can be used on any area where fat deposits can accumulate, such as the neck (“turkey neck”), under the arms, around the buttocks, thighs, love handles, back, or abdomen.
For more information on non-surgical body sculpting options go to

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Frequently Asked Questions on Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser Tattoo Removal has become one of the most popular treatments in the past few years.  Medical spas all over the country are now offer laser tattoo removal and many people are seeking it's benefits.  One of the increases for laser tattoo removal is due to the strict requirements that the military has placed on those who want to enlist not being able to have a tattoo in an area that shows in their uniform.  Following this same agenda many local police departments, fire departments, and government agencies have also created policies that don't allow employees to be hired if they have tattoos that show in uniforms.  These reasons combined with basic regret and people changing as they get older have made the number of laser tattoo removal treatments sky rocket.
Even though laser tattoo removal is so popular there are still many things about it that people don't know or understand.  After running a medical spa for 9 years and performing laser tattoo removal at Winter park Laser in Orlando here are frequently asked questions on laser tattoo removal answered.
Frequently asked questions on laser tattoo removal:
#1 Will my tattoo go away completely or just fade?
Answer: As long as it is a professional laser majority of tattoos can be removed completely especially black tattoos.
#2 What colors of tattoos are the easiest to remove?
Answer: Black tattoos are the easiest color to remove because black ink can absorb all wavelengths of light.  Yellow and green inks can be more difficult to remove because they contain less pigment.
#3 Who should perform laser tattoo removal?
Every state has different regulations but in Florida it has to be a licensed physician, physician assistant, or Registered Nurse Practitioner.  It is best to also look for someone who has has a lot of experience performing laser tattoo removal.
For more information on frequently asked questions on laser tattoo removal go to

Thursday, August 14, 2014


While there is an array of non-surgical cosmetic treatments available in medical spas today, dermal fillers continue to be one of the most popular options.  Dermal fillers have long been used to replace volume int he face to give a more youthful appearance.  Popular dermal fillers include Restylane, Perlane, Radiesse, Belotero and the number 1 used dermal filler JUVÉDERMUltra Plus.  However, there is finally a new dermal filler to add to the mix; JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ XC which is the first of it's kind and our clients at Winter Park Laser in Orlando are loving.  So with a the choices of dermal fillers it can be difficult to understand which one to choose.  JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ XC will give a gorgeous instant "liquid face-lift" and rejuvenation to the face of any man or woman.
Let's review the benefits of JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ XC. Just like the original JUVÉDERM® Ultra & Ultra Plus products, JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ XC is made of hyaluronic acid (HA) — a naturally occurring substance found in the skin. However, what makes it different from other HA dermal fillers on the market is JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ XC is the first and only FDA-approved for adding volume to the cheeks and mid-facial region. Additional benefits of the treatment include:
  • Its ability to reduce or eliminate moderate to severe lines and wrinkles
  • The results are instant and continue to improve for 2-4 weeks after injection
  • It's nearly painless due to the lidocaine mixed in for numbing combined with topical numbing options
  • It's results have been clinically proven to last 24 months on average
  • There is very little downtime or side effects with injections other than possible mild bruising or swelling
Essentially, JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ XC results that give a "liquid-facelift" appearance to the face and make women and men look younger instantly combined with the fact that it last longer than almost any other dermal filler makes it extremely appealing.
For more information on JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ XC or to schedule a consultation go to or call 4076011185.  Winter Park Laser is located in Orlando FL.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Hair Removal

Even though Laser Hair Removal has been available for over 2 decades there are still many questions about it.  After offering laser hair removal treatments at our medical spa; Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center in Orlando for 10 years we have gathered the most frequently asked questions about laser hair removal.  Here are the questions and our expert answers.
Frequently asked questions about laser hair removal
#1: Is laser hair removal painful?
Expert Answer: This really depends on the laser being used.  It is important to find a newer laser technology that has a built in cooling system. This will make the treatment more comfortable and also prevent risk of burning.  Most laser hair removal treatments are relatively not painful.  The most sensitive area to treat is the bikini.  Most medical spas will also offer a topical numbing option which can make it a totally painless experience.
#2 Is laser hair removal permanent?
Expert Answer: There is permanent hair reduction.  After a series of laser hair removal sessions most clients will be 90-95% permanent.  What that means is that the hair removed is permanent, however every person has the follicle stimulating hormone in their body which can produce new hair.  It should be a very minimal amount but most people need a single touch up treatment once ever 1-5 years.
#3 Can you laser over ingrown hairs?
Expert Answer: Yes. Laser hair removal can not only be lasered over ingrown hairs but it is also very effective for eliminating ingrown hairs.  Typically ingrown hairs are eliminated by the second treatment because enough hair is thinned out enough so that hair follicle will not longer become trapped.  This is especially great for darker skin types who are prone to ingrown hairs.
For more information on Frequently asked questions about laser hair removal go to