Monday, May 21, 2012

Why Exfoliation is Necessary for Healthy Skin

Exfoliation is extremely vital to the overall look and health of the skin on the face and body. However, many people do it incorrectly, do it too often, or don't exfoliate enough. Exfoliation is beneficial because it removes those cells that are clinging on, revealing the fresher, younger skin cells below. Exfoliation is necessary because as you age dead skin cells start to pile up on the skin causing dull uneven looking skin and preventing products from being able to properly penetrate into the skin giving it the necessary benefits. Exfoliation should only be done weekly and not everyday. Exfoliation is the removal of the oldest dead skin cells that cling to the skin's outermost surface, or epidermis. There are many different types of exfoliation, including chemical peels, manual with scrubs and dermaplaning. Chemical Exfoliation uses enzymes, alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) or betahydroxy acids (BHAS) loosen the glue-like substance that holds the cells together, allowing them to slough away. Facial peels are a form of chemical exfoliation. Chemical peels can be mild or stronger levels of exfoliation. Dermaplaning is an exfoliating treatment that provides an alternative to microdermabrasion and is a good choice for anyone with extremely sensitive skin. The dermaplaning treatment is performed by an experienced aesthetician who uses a modified blade to gently exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin cells. A noticeable improvement is immediate with smoother texture and fresh skin appearance. Hair returns softly and will not become coarser because of the treatment. Even products penetrate the skin better following this treatment and a chemical peel can even be performed directly after for deeper penetration. However you choose to exfoliate always consult with a professional, and remember if you have Rosacea or sensitive skin stay away from harsh scrubs or constant exfoliation.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Why Botox is "In" Amongst the Younger Crows

When Botox arrived on the market 10 years ago, it was 40-50 years old with wrinkles that clamored to their local medical spa to try out the new anti-aging elixir in markets mostly like L.A. or New York. Fast forward 10 years later and Botox is as popular as a facial and available nationwide. Also, now knowing the preventative benefit of Botox the younger demographic is now a large sector of frequent Botox users. Women and men as young as 25 are now having Botox Cosmetic Injections. However, they are not just to remove wrinkles they are using the wonder drug to prevent future wrinkles. Botox is the only cosmetic treatment that can relax your muscles that create elaborate expressions such as squinting. By doing this one can no longer flex the facial muscles & make wrinkles appear or make them worse. This is actually a smart trick, those who start out younger with Botox will need less aggressive procedures in the future when they age and start to have real wrinkles. Often in the medical spa business I have so many clients who are 45 and have never done anything to their skin-they have a hard time understanding how many treatments and the amount of money it will take to correct their issues compared to those who have taken care of their skin they often just need a little Botox or a chemical peel to freshen things up. For more information on Botox or other cosmetic procedures go to

Monday, May 7, 2012

Why Chemical Peels are Safe for All Skin Types

After running a medical spa for 8 years I often suggest chemical peels in combination with all laser treatments and by themselves because they can help with almost every skin issue client's have, including acne, dull skin, large pores, wrinkles, and black-heads. However, almost 50% of the response I get is "I have really sensitive skin, so I don't think I can have a chemical peel. This is a false statement that many people think would be an obvious truth. Unfortunately, the term "chemical peel" has scared many people away, when in fact those same people could greatly benefit from one type of chemical peel. There are light, medium and strong strength chemical peels ranging from no down-time to severe peeling for days. However, there are even chemical peels for Rosacea red skin such as Mandelic peels. While a chemical peel can cause redness immediately following the treatment, it can go away in as little as a few hours with a light peel. It is very rare for someone to not be able to receive a chemical peel, it is simply a matter of a well trained esthetician finding the right chemical peel for your skin type and concerns. If someone has very sensitive skin, redness and flaking can occur for a couple of days but skin will be clear, and glowing after a few days. Patients often say that their skin has never looked so radiant or flawless after the peel. Peels will not only help rid of acne scars, fine lines and sun damage, they can also help stimulate collagen growth. Dermaplaning is also a great option for deep exfoliation and uses no chemicals just a modified blade that blades away the top layer of dead skin. This leaves behind no redness. Find a reputable medical spa in your area that can give you a complimentary consultation. Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center has been treating clients for 8 years in Orlando Fl.