Monday, July 21, 2008

FREE Open House for Velashape Treatments-"Cocktails & Cellulite" in the Orlando area

Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center is hosting a FREE Open House for the new Velashape Cellulite treatments being offered-"Cocktails & Cellulite" on Augst 6, 2008 5pm-8pm in the Orlando area. There will be a short and informative seminar on the Velashape Treatments followed by free mini-treatments, decadent delights, and creative cocktails. Anyone may RSVP for this event to, or call (407) 601-1185. Velashape is the first FDA approved non-surgical treatment for circumferential reduction and cellulite reduction utilizing patented Elos technology; bi-polar radio frequency, infrared light energy, vacuum, and mechanical massage to smooth out the skin and deliver efficient heat energy to increase the metabolism of stored energy, increase lymphatic drainage, and reduce the size of the actual fat cells and fat chambers.

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