Friday, August 28, 2009

Why do Women have more cellulite than men?

Women greatly outnumber men in developing the condition of cellulite by 90-98%. Many believe this is due to a homronal component because estrogen which enlargens the size of fat cells & produces water retention. When fat cells compress and water stagnates in the interstitial tissue, the ezcess fluids form pockets of trapped water, resulting in the dimply appearance you can see on the skin. It tends to occur most in the buttocks, and thighs. Velashape is the only FDA approved non-surgical treatment for cellulite reduction, body sculpting and inches lost, in areas such as the thighs, buttocks, arms, and stomach. Velashape utilizes radiofrequency and infrared light to liquify fat cells combined with suctioning and massage tools to increase lymphatic drainage. Call (407) 601-1185 or go to for more information on a free consultation or free demonstration of the treatment!

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