Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The first Medspa in Orlando to Offer Velashape II-the newest technology from Syneron!

Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center is now the first Medical Spa in Orlando, FL to offer the New Velashape II from Syneron!! VelaShape II™ Cellulite Reduction Treatments fight Cellulite, lose inches, and tighten your thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and arms with the VelaShape II! It is the first and only FDA-cleared non-invasive medical solution for circumferential reduction, cellulite reduction and body contouring. Velashape II is 20% more powerful than its predecessor Velashape I giving you shorter treatments, with better, long lasting results! Call (407) 601-1185 to schedule a complimentary demonstration or go to www.winterparklaser.com for more information.

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