Monday, March 25, 2013

The 3 Top Ways to Remove Sun Damage

Sun Damage Removal with Intense Pulsed Light One of the top issues that are clients come into our Orlando Medical Spa-Winter Park Laser for is sun damage skin including age spots, uneven skin tone, hyper-pigmentation and poor skin texture. Perhaps, it's because our medical spa is in Orlando Florida that we our clients have so much damage but I also think it's a generational issue as more baby boomers are seeing the effects of using baby oil in the 70's and more sun damage emerges with age. Here are the Top 3 Ways to Remove Sun Damage that we use in our Orlando Medical Spa: #1: IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photo-Facials: Intense pulsed light treatments deliver energy to target and destroy vascular and pigmented lesions associated sun damage, and age spots from face, chest, hands, legs, and arms. During the procedure, the entire treatment area is scanned with an IPL handpiece and treated with multiple passes and customized settings. A noticeable change occurs within 1 treatment, however a series of 3-5 is normally necessary for the best results. The formation of new collagen results in an increase in the elasticity and overall appearance of your skin. Pigmented lesions come to the surface and slough off. Red and blue vessels typically disappear. Sun damage is repaired. The skin simply looks younger, feels tighter and pores appear smaller. #2: Vi Peel from Kalil (chemical Peels): The Vi Peel is safe for all skin types and uses Vitamin C, Phenol (for numbing), Salicylic acid, TCA, Tretinoic Acid (Retin-A) to remove the top layers of sun damaged skin and reveal new fresh skin with a more even skin tone and tighter pores. #3 Pharmaceutical Grade Skin-Care Especially Pigment Lightening Serums such as Hydroquinone: Here is one of our favorites from Glytone Clarifying Gel, Rx Clarifying Gel, Rx A nighttime gel formulated with 4% Hydroquinone helps to lighten dark patches on the skin For more information on how to remove sun damage contact our Orlando medical spa at or call (4o7) 601-1185.

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