Monday, August 19, 2013

Top 3 Cosmetic Treatments for Men

Over the past decade the cosmetic treatments requested & performed on men have increased by 56% as women are no longer the only ones reaping the benefits of non-invasive cosmetic procedures. At our Orlando medical spa-Winter Park Laser, we have seen an increase of at least 20% each year for the past few years. While, men are partaking in all cosmetic & plastic surgery ventures, there are 3 that we see the most often & which have increased by the highest percents in the past few years and they include the following. #1 Brotox: Botox for men has increased by 10% every year in the fast couple of years. This is only natural seeing as how Botox Cosmetic is the #1 cosmetic treatment in the world, so it seems fitting that men only partake in it's glorious benefits as well. Botox Cosmetic is popular because it works. Men tend to have very deep "11's" which are the deep creases in between the eyebrows (the glabellar). Botox can help men in corporate America look younger & stay competitive which is why many CEO's are taking to it. #2 Laser Hair Removal: Many men suffer from painful ingrown hairs in the beard, neck, or bikini area. Laser hair removal can resolve embarrassing red bumps caused by ingrown hairs. The laser destroy hair follicles and thin out the hair ridding the area of ingrown hairs permanently in at little as 2-4 treatments. #3 "Liquid Face-lifts" with dermal fillers: Dermal fillers can help men look younger within 20 minutes with no downtime that would show they have had anything done. Dermal fillers such as Juvederm, Radiesse and Belotero Balance replace volume lost by aging especially in the mid-face/cheek area. By replacing the volume the jowles are lifted and the man looks instantly younger with results lasting around 1 year. For more information on cosmetic treatments for men go to

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