Thursday, September 18, 2014

Laser Hair Removal Benefits

Laser Hair Removal has been available to the public for nearly 20 years now yet so many men and women are still unaware of the benefits laser hair removal especially in comparison to other hair removal methods such as waxing, tweezing, or electrolysis. Laser hair removal has proven to be the safest and most effective treatment form of  hair removal available.
Many men and women  are uneducated about the facts and benefits of laser hair removal.  Just a few important things to know about laser hair removal are the following; it is now safe for all skin types with the appropriate lasers, blondes and red heads can be treated effectively with the correct laser for laser hair removal.  There are many benefits to laser hair removal other than just permanent hair reduction.
Laser Hair Removal benefits:
#1 It's Fast: New technology has allowed laser hair removal to become incredibly efficient. Treatments for small areas such as lip or chin can take only 5 minutes, and large areas like full legs or full back only take 30-40 minutes to complete and in less sessions-only 6-7 on average.
#2 Eliminate In-Grown Hairs (folliculitis): Laser hair removal destroys hair follicles and thins out hair so that hair follicles can no longer become clogged and cause in-grown hairs or folliculitis.
#3 More Personal Time: On average men spend a total of 35 days of their life shaving, and women spend an average of 72 days of their life shaving just their legs.  So in a nutshell laser hair removal can give you have 35-72 days of your life on average to spend doing more productive things with your time.
#4 It is the only permanent hair reduction method: Laser Hair Removal is 95% permanent which means that you might only have 5% regrowth caused by the follicle stimulating hormone and it should be as easy as a touch up once every 1--5 years on average.
#5 It Saves You Money: If you are waxing or shaving you are spending at least $50 per month on average for life for hair reduction.  Laser hair removal can be a little more of an investment in the beginning, but you only need 6-7 treatments on average and then you won't be spending money on hair removal on a monthly basis.
For more information on the benefits of laser hair removal go to

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