Monday, December 12, 2011

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photofacial Risks & Benefits

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photofacial Risks & Benefits

After working around medical spas and laser treatments for 7 years, my favorite treatment is IPL (Intense Pulsed LIght) Photo-facials. You see huge instant results with this 20 minute safe procedure and go straight back to work, wear makeup and have no down-time. This technology has continued to improve and Palomar is the "Mercedes" of IPL laser technology. There are mainly benefits, but of course a few minor risks with this treatment such as swelling, redness, and facial flushing, are minor and usually disappear within a few hours or days of the procedure.

Benefits of IPL™ Photofacial

The benefits of intense pulsed light therapy cover almost the entire spectrum of cosmetic dermatology. When performed by a qualified skin care specialist, IPL™ photofacial treatment can help nearly all aspects of skin aesthetics and structure.

The treatment can help repair small blood vessels that have become visible, or help eradicate sun spots or other pigmentation irregularities.
IPL™ treatment can help combat acne problems such as oil and p. bacterias&can shrink large pores.
IPL™ photofacial therapy is also excellent at treating Rosacea, & any redness in skin.
By treating a slightly deeper layer of the skin, IPL™ photofacials stimulate collagen growth by simulating minor dermal injuries, thereby helping to improve skin texture.
The cost of IPL photofacial therapy is usually minor compared to most lasers and results are seen in as little as 1-5 treatments on average.

Another benefit of IPL™ photorejuvenation procedures is that they allow for additional treatment with facials, or chemical peels that target the outermost layer of skin, the epidermis. Since IPL™ photofacials target deeper layers of the skin, they can be safely performed in conjunction with other, more superficial treatments.
IPL™ Photofacial Risks

There are relatively few long-term risks associated with intense pulsed light treatment. Short-term potential side effects of IPL™ photofacial treatment include very minor swelling, redness, and increased visibility of small capillaries. These symptoms usually begin to disappear within a few hours of treatment.

This treatment is only safe for certain skin types so consult with your skin care professional.

1 comment:

IPL said...

The post is telling ipl intense pulsed light photo facials. Useful post