Monday, October 8, 2012

Body Contouring-Sculpting Your Body without Surgery in Orlando

Velashape II (body sculpting) has become the 2nd most popular treatment at our Medical Spa in Orlando-Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center. This is mainly because women and men want a way to sculpt their bodies and lose inches quickly but do not want the down-time and recovery from surgical procedures. Velashape II is the only FDA approved treatment on the market to do 3 things-tighten skin, reduce cellulite and lose inches. We see an average of 3-5 inches lost in the thigh or abdomen area. Velashape offers a way to emphasize a flat belly, and to accentuate a waist or lift the buttocks. Body sculpting means 3 main things: removing excess fat or tightening skin, smoothing out skin imperfections such as dimples from cellulite or adding volume or lift to certain areas to put back curves or defy gravity such as in the buttocks area. Lipo is a quick solution but includes a lot of risks such as infection, lumps or uneven body parts and the fat coming back in a different area. Velashape offers a great solution utilizing ultrasound and radio-frequency technology and has no risks involved as it feels like a warm deep tissue massage. VelaShape II™is Powered by the revolutionary elos™ Technology utilizing bi-polar radio frequency, it treats the deeper tissue, offering a measurable reduction in fat layers, circumference and the upper layers of the skin, resulting in cellulite reduction, the smoothing of the skin’s tone and texture, inches lost, and noticeable reshaping of the treated area in 5-6 treatments. We use an infrared thermometer to ensure your body heats up to 104 degrees-the temperature it takes to melt fat. Many clients describe the treatments as feeling like a warm deep tissue massage. The Velashape II is 20% more powerful than its predecessor Velashape I giving you shorter treatments, with better, longer lasting results in fewer treatments. This treatment has no discomfort, is non-invasive and requires no down-time. For more information contact Winter Park Laser in Orlando or go to

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