Monday, October 22, 2012

How to Know if Laser Hair Removal is Right for You

Laser Hair Removal is much more popular and widely acknowledged than it was 10 years ago when we started in this business with our Orlando Medical Spa, however there are still plenty of people who are foreign to the subject and are starting to gain interest but need the fact to know if they are a good candidate for this treatment. Laser Hair Removal is still a"new laser treatment" relatively speaking as it has only been commercialized since 1996. I will list the most common myths & facts about candidates for laser hair removal. Myth: Laser Hair Removal is not safe for dark skin types. Fact: Laser Hair Removal can be very safe & effective for dark skin types as long as the correct laser and settings are being used. Actually dark skin clients are often great candidates because they are prone to ingrown hairs. The best type of lasers for dark skin is either an IPL Laser technology or a Yag. You always want to go to someone experienced with treating dark skin types. At Winter Park Laser we have 10 years of experience treating Indian, black, and mediterranean skin that this has become a specialty for us. Myth: Only women have laser hair removal. Fact: A lot of men are getting laser hair removal for all areas of their bodies especially backs, beards, and shoulders. Myth: You can not have laser hair removal if you are a blonde, red head, or have gray hair. Fact: Do to the advances in laser hair removal recently blondes, red heads and older gray haired clients can now have effective treatments with the Yellow Handpiece by Palomar. However really fine peach fuzz can still be difficult to treat. For more information on laser hair removal please visit Winter Park Laser in Orlando or go to

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