Thursday, July 17, 2014

How IPL Photofacials remove Sun Damage

One of my all time favorite Cosmetic treatments is IPL which stands for Intense pulsed light treatments.  I have been in the cosmetic medical spa industry for 10 years as the Director of an Orlando Medical Spa Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center.  I have seen a lot of great treatments develop over the years but IPL is still my favorite.  IPL treatments are also known as photo-facials and photo-rejuvenation and target brown pigmentation and redness on the face and body.  I love IPL because of the no downtime of the procedure and the instant gratification benefits that a patient gets.
How do IPL Photofacials remove sun damage?  There are several brands and types of IPL lasers on the market.  We use the Palomar Max G Handpiece and get phenomenal results with it. All lasers are absorbed by a target.  IPL is absorbed by dark pigmentation such as sun spots and redness such as broken capillaries and redness.  IPL is pulsed of light that once absorbed by brown pigmentation they destroy the pigmented lesions and constrict broken capillaries.  It is a non-ablative and non-invasive treatment meaning that is does not damage the surface of the skin.   The intense light is delivered to the deeper parts of the skin know as the dermis and leaves the superficial part of the skin know as the epidermis untouched and intact.
Intense Pulsed Light treatments destroy the darkest pigmented sun spots first and work best on men and women with dark sun spots and light skin types.It is also great for broken capillaries and excessive redness caused by Rosacea or excessive sun damage.  IPL is an extremely safe treatment that has no downtime other than slight redness for 1-3 hours after treatment.  The brown sun spots get darker after treatment and gradually flake off. IPL photofacial treatments can be performed on the face, neck, chest, and any body area.
For more information on how IPL photofacials remove sun damage go to

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